Smintheion sacred site was one of the most important culture centers of Ancient Troy. Its surroundings have been dated nearly 5000 B.C in the Late Hellenistic Era.

Gulpinar, Apollo Smintheus Temple has been famous its architectural design and style. Temple is counted as one and only beautiful examples of an Ionic pseudo-dipteral plan in northern Aegean region.


Assos also known as Behramkale is a small historically rich town in the Ayvacık district of the Çanakkale Province. It is possible to see much of the surrounding area from the ancient Temple of Athena, Assos founded on top of a trachyte crag 236m. above the sea level. The city built of andesite stone. At times, they were using andesite stone to make sarcophaguses and these sarcophaguses were the main item of exportation.

Assos had a harbor, which was the only good harbor on the 80 kilometers of the north coast of the Adramyttian Gulf. This made Assos a key shipping station through the Troad.

Many of the old buildings of Assos are in ruins today, but Behramkale is still active.

It still serves as a port for the Troad. On the acropolis 238 m above sea level are the remains of the Doric order Temple of Athena, which date back to 530 BC.

Today, Assos is an Aegean-coast seaside retreat amid ancient ruins.


Alexandria Troas is located southeast of modern Dalyan, a village in the Ezine district of Çanakkale Province. The site sprawls over an estimated 400 hectares (990 acres); among the few structures remaining today are a ruined bath, an odeon, a theater, gymnasium complex and a recently uncovered stadion. The circuit of the old walls can still be traced.

Antigonus refounded the city as the much-expanded Antigonia Troas by settling the people of five other towns in Sigeia, including the once influential city of Neandreia. It did not receive its name until Lysimachus changed its name to Alexandria Troas, in 301 BC, in memory of Alexander III of Macedon. The length of the facet of the ancient bath is 100m. and by the date, it holds the title of the largest bath structure in Anatolia. Remains of an ancient bath and gymnasium complex can be found.


Gokceada is the largest island of Turkey. It is located in the Aegean Sea, at the entrance of Saros Bay and is also the westernmost point of Turkey (Cape İncirburnu). Because of its unique location, it’s been known the last sunset point of Turkey as well. Surprisingly it has a lot of clean water sources in comparison to other islands. Places to see; Çınaraltı, Dereköy, Kaleköy, Peynir Rocks, Tepeköy, Salt Lake and Zeytinliköy. Homer, in The Iliad wrote:

"In the depths of the sea on the cliff
Between Tenedos and craggy Imbros
There is a cave, wide gaping
Poseidon who made the earth tremble,
Stopped the horses there."



Bozcaada annexed by Fatih the Conquerer to the Ottoman Empire at 1455. There have been some conflicts between Ottoman Empire and Republic of Venice over Bozcaada some time to time. It’s the third largest island of Turkey. There is a ferry line between mainland and Bozcaada. Places to see: Aburga Ahmet Dede Tomb, Aquarium (Mermer Cape), Alaybey Mosque, Aya Paraskevi (Ayazma) Monastery, Ayazma Beach, Bozcaada Castle, Bozcaada Museum, Tuzburnu Bay , and vineyards.


Bath is located close by Kestanbolu, the village in Ezine district of Çanakkale Province. It’s 2km far from the sea by the downhill of Alexandria- Troas. Thermal water of ancient bath has iron and calcium mineral in its content.


It is located at the top of Gargara Hill.Altar of Zeus on 275m hill watching Adramyttian Gulf and Lesbos Island in the land of Troy. It is a stone structure with stairs upon which offerings such as sacrifices and votive offerings are made for religious purposes or some other sacred place where ceremonies take place. Heinrich Schlieman and German Archeologist Judeich have named Altar of Zeus, at Mount Ida.


Troy was a city situated in what is known from classical sources as Asia Minor, now northwest Anatolia in modern Turkey, located south of the southwest end of the Dardanelles/Hellespont and northwest of Mount Ida at Hisarlık. It is the setting of the Trojan War described in the Greek Epic Cycle and especially in the Iliad, one of the two epic poems attributed to Homer.

In 1865, English archaeologist Frank Calvert excavated trial trenches in a field he had bought from a local farmer at Hisarlık, and in 1868, Heinrich Schliemann, a wealthy German businessman, and archaeologist, also began excavating in the area after a chance meeting with Calvert in Çanakkale. These excavations revealed 9 cities built in succession. Schliemann was at first skeptical about the identification of Hisarlik with Troy, but was persuaded by Calvert and took over Calvert excavations on the eastern half of the Hisarlik site, which was on Calvert's property.

Troy VII has been identified with the Hittite city Wilusa, the probable origin of the Greek, and is generally (but not conclusively) identified with Homeric Troy. Here is the origin of the Trojan Horse; Odysseus thought of building a great wooden horse (the horse being the emblem of Troy), hiding an elite force inside, and fooling the Trojans into wheeling the horse into the city as a trophy. Legend has it, by that trick Greeks conquer the Troy. The archaeological site of Troy was added to the UNESCO World Heritage list in 1998.